I picked my bike up from one of the lbs today. Instead of replacing the faulty seal in the headshok, they replaced the entire front end (fork and headshok) under warranty fortunately!
After riding the 14km back home, Gwen came by and we rode to a couple other lbs to pick up some gear. Gwen is one of my positive influences. We met a little over two weeks ago at the local Critical Mass ride in April. It was then i found out about her plans to ride to BC. Another fantastic vegan doing great things in the world! We hit it off well and she invited me to join the ride...
When Gwen arrived today she told me she is leaving for BC this Thursday! So all plans have been moved forward. My riding fiteness is not up to speed, so it will be a challenge trying to keep up with her on the first 2-3 days of the ride that i am venturing on with her. I will then be turning back. It would be so nice to keep going... if only i could.
To get out together and also help me get my fitness back to a good level we have planned a couple rides this week (i pretty much haven't ridden since January due to travelling, except one 80km and another 60km ride before my bike went into the shop 2-weeks back). It was good to nock off 40km, albeit very cruisy, today...
So we have planned a couple rides before the big departure on Thursday! On Monday we are riding into the city and back (about 150km) to pick up some gear for the trip (and my other ones coming up). On Tuesday we are doing a trail ride of about 70km with load (the trailer's first test) and camping overnight. We will head back on Wednesday morning to give Gwen time to finalise everything before heading out on Thursday. This may be Gwen's last day here... leaving, possibly to never return!
As the physical distance between Gwen and I increase... I hope to meet up with her out in BC in January, possibly with me leaving Canada for i don't know how long. We may just head south to escape the winter and cycle tour through some amazing places on the west coast of the USA?
I am hoping that Gwen can make it out to Australia eventually (if i do go back) so we can embark on some rides right across the country (north-south, Tasmania, and east-west).
It is exciting and also a time to reflect. Pretty much my first (outside of the amazing people i am staying with) good friend since arriving - someone who i have connnected with - is departing... I am happy for here and this is something she needs and wants - it will be an amazing experience!